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Class Information

Every day you need to have the following named items in school:

  • school bag with reading book and reading record
  • named water bottle
  • a small healthy snack (optional - fruit is provided)

You do not need to bring in stationery - we have everything you need.


PE days are Monday and Wednesday.  Come into school wearing your PE kit on those days.


Reading:  All children are expected to read daily and have their reading record book signed.  We will be checking reading diaries regularly.  Reading Stars are awarded at the end of the term for those children who work hardest at their reading, reading at home everyday and getting their book signed.  

We will talk to you about how often your child can change their book.  We also encourage children to bring home their favourite book from our class library to share and read with you at home.  Please return these books when you have finished reading them.


Homework: Every week homework is set on a Friday.  Your child will be set a task (from the Curriculum), spellings to learn for a test the next Friday and mental maths (this could be on My Maths, Purple Mash or Times Table Rockstars - I will dojo you to let you know).  There is also a section on our class page to give you details about what homework is being set and the spelling for each week.  Homework needs to be back into school by Wednesday the following week at the latest.


Communication: Please keep in touch with us - let us know if we can help, if you have a concern, want to share news etc.  The best way to do this is via ClassDojo, which is checked regularly.  


Our timetable is below.  Every day we learn our phonics and enjoy sharing our class reader.  English is taught every day and Maths is taught four times a week.  You will also see a slot for RE, Computing, PSHE and PE every week (twice a week).  We have three sessions of whole class reading, where we put our phonics into practise and develop our comprehension.  The rest of the curriculum is taught in a block of three sessions a week over many weeks (see blocking timetable below).  


