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Curriculum - Our Approach

Curriculum Intent

At Holy Innocents' Catholic Primary school, we believe that our curriculum should provide children with the opportunities to aspire to be more, in an environment which is rooted in our Catholic values and respect for each other. 


Our curriculum is delivered through high quality sequential, subject specific learning. The curriculum is designed to be inclusive, creative and ambitious for all learners. It meets the formal requirements of the National Curriculum yet also goes beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide.


Our school equips children with the ability to hone their knowledge and skills so that they may be inquisitive and aspirational. When children leave Holy Innocents, they have the awareness and initiative to achieve their full potential, rooted in our Catholic faith and values of respect and kindness.


Curriculum Implementation

 Quality first teaching, delivered and supported by dedicated and motivated staff, enables all pupils to access our curriculum and become independent learners.

Subject leads have oversight of how subjects are taught from EYFS through to Year 6, ensuring that there is progression both within and between Year groups and Key Stages, and that knowledge and skills are taught sequentially within a subject area.

Specialist teachers deliver Music, PE and Spanish lessons to ensure that the breadth of the curriculum is taught to a high standard. The curriculum is enhanced by off site educational visits, visitors to the school and extensive use of our outdoor areas. The school offers a wide range of before and after-school clubs which helps to extend the learning opportunities for all pupils. 



For more information on the National Curriculum, click on the link below.