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Our school use the 'Purple Mash' scheme of work for our computing curriculum. Purple Mash allows all children to access computing on different levels at school and at home. Topics include coding, internet safety, building, animation, making music and so much more. Each year group has a scheme of work broken down into 6 topics across the year making it a progressive learning tool throughout our school. Early Years can access and use 'Mini Mash' via the Purple Mash website which includes games, activities and resources to support all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Each child has their own login for Purple Mash which will also work at home, allowing for learning to continue outside of the classroom. Teachers may also set tasks and homework to be completed on Purple Mash, or may guide children to use it to extend their own learning. 


Please click on the link to access Purple Mash login for our school:  

