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Decodable Books

It is vital that whilst children are learning to read, they read books that match their phonic knowledge. ELS have partnered with The Oxford University Press to provide decodable books that match the progression of the ELS phonics scheme. These books have been carefully matched to every aspect of the programme and to the sounds that your child is learning in school.


Books are now organised into terms and weeks, following carefully the sounds being taught in ELS that week. All children will have access to an online e-book which matches the phonic sounds being taught in class that week. This is to ensure that all children are exposed to the whole class learning, even though they may be working at a different phonic level. 


Children will have their physical reading books changed every Friday and will be given 2 decodable books that match their phonic ability so that children are working at the level appropriate to them. We ask that the children re read these at least 4 times. Re-reading ensures that children develop their reading skills and fluency. This, in turn, supports their learning in school; as children become more fluent at reading, they are able to focus on their new learning. 






