If you need to get in touch with Mrs Cosgrove you can do so via Class Dojo, a chat at hometime, a phonecall or a scheduled meeting.
Homework will be given out on Fridays and is due in on Wednesdays. Year 5 will receive:
Y5 children are expected to read everyday for ~20 mins and get their reading record signed 4x a week. In Year 5, children will sit reading and comprehension test papers at the end of each full term so it is so important to read and discuss books as much as possible. Reading records will be checked daily and children are expected to change their own books and select high quality books to read for pleasure. Awards will be given out each term for consistent home reading.
Year 5 will have PE on Monday afternoons with Zuko, our PE coach, and on Fridays with Mrs Cosgrove. Please wear the appropriate PE kit to school, on those days, which is clearly named.