To build a MFL curriculum, which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which enables children to access the wider curriculum and to prepare children to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community. Children will know more, remember more and understand more. To design a curriculum with appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the duties of the NC whereby schools must provide a ‘balanced and broadly based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences for later life.
To build a MFL curriculum that incorporates the understanding of Spanish so that children know more, remember more and understand more. As a result, children will develop the knowledge to be able to communicate in another language other than English. To design, and resource, a Spanish programme of work within the MFL curriculum which enables pupils to explore the cultural capital of another country through its language and traditions.
It is statutory in the National Primary Curriculum that every pupil in KS2 learns a foreign language and that pupils should make ‘substantial progress in one language’. The children are introduced to Spanish in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and then formal lessons in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6).
Each class in Key Stage 2 has a weekly timetabled lesson of Spanish (30 minutes long) with our Spanish teacher.
A multi -sensory and kinaesthetic approach to teaching is used as well as an emphasis on the use of games, rhymes and songs including ICT. Our Spanish teacher makes lessons as enjoyable as possible so that the children develop a positive attitude to the learning of Modern Foreign Languages. Children’s confidence is built through praise for any contribution they make.
The impact of the subject can be seen in the following ways: