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Holy Innocents Primary School is committed to promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development of our pupils.  We believe PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) to be an essential element in the preparation of our children for adult life. 

The PSHE curriculum provides learning opportunities and experiences which will enable pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for personal and social responsibility. In our school we are committed to teaching PSHE in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. See RSE


The Aims of PSHE: 

Through PSHE we seek to:

  • Help pupils to live and learn in a Catholic Christian environment encouraging the respect of others in our school community and the wider world.
  • Develop a sense of self-worth and a respect for the dignity of life.
  • Encourage children to communicate confidently and express their feelings appropriately.
  • Develop healthy, safer lifestyles.
  • Prepare the child for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Within PSHE we recognise:

  • Health and Well-being Education - Children engaging in activities to promote their physical and mental well-being
  • Human Relationships – Information by which the child is able to become aware of himself/herself as a person and understanding that the process of development is a natural part of growing up.
  • Living in the Wider World – Encouraging children to take a responsible role in society, including the development of the children’s awareness of their personal safety and the process by which they can seek help and information as well as learning the behaviour expected of them as responsible citizens.

Teaching PSHE is not confined to a specific slot on the timetable. It is a combination of discrete curriculum time, specialised assemblies, through pastoral care and guidance, visiting speakers, cross-curricular coverage and delivery through whole school events ( i.e. internet safety days.)


PSHE Long Term Plan
