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Squirrel Room - Summer Term 1

Welcome back to summer term 1 we have lots of fun things lined up for this term starting with Animals and their Habitats then exploring transport. Week one we are starting to explore Zoo/Wild animals and jungle animals. We have explored books like Dear Zoo and  Elmer the elephant. In Music we are discovering how we can use musical instruments to create animal sounds.

Dear Zoo


Week Two, This week children explored Pets, we talked about different pets we can keep at home like dogs and cats and rabbits. Some of the children kindly shared their pets at home with their peers.

We set the role play are up as a pet shop and promoted the children to buy pets they could look after like fish and snakes. Children also got to go to say goodbye to the chicks that hatched here in school.

Plate Birds

We got to say good bye to the chicks that's hatched here at Holy Innocents.

Week three children learnt about animals that live on the farm, we started the week with the story Farmer Duck so children created their own ducks using feathers and wool. We carried on the theme creating tractors using 2D shapes and we explored mixing colours using tractor wheels to create new colours and tracks in the paint, we discovered each movement is different.

We finished Farm off with the story the little red hen, we discussed how the animals made the little red hen feel sad as they didn't want to help the little red hen.

We have had a fun week also in music learning new songs about farm animals with Mrs Walter our music teacher.
